Thursday, August 12, 2010

Folded Paper Flowers

Look at this adorable bouquet I have greeting people in the guest bath:

Super cute, huh? I also have a few of them on my fridge holding up menu plans and artwork.

(The magnets are precious...the dust, not so much! I *am* wiping the fridge door down as soon as I finish posting. Yikes!)

These accordian folded paper flowers are super-de-duper easy to make. Here's what you need: a scorer, two strips of paper 12 inches long and 1.5 inches wide (you can vary the width), a handy dandy glue gun, and cute embellishments (flowers,buttons, bling, etc).

I'll give you step by step directions (although this is so simple you could surely figure it out on your own...just helping ya out in case!) First, use the scorer to make accordian folds on both strips of paper, 1/2 inch apart, all the way down. Like this:

Next, glue the ends of each piece together to make one long strip. Glue those ends together to make a big circle.

This parts is kind of hard to explain. Flip the circle in and pinch it together with your hand so that it looks like this:

Now put some hot glue in the center hole and hold it til its glued. Do the same for the back side of the flower.

Lastly, top it off with your embellishments and think of a billion cute ways to use the flower. Here's an idea...use it as a cute package topper.

Ca-ute! And easy. And fast. My kind of craft! :)


Momof2Minions said...

Love it! I could see this for party decor too!

Amanda said...

I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I will be linked to this post tomorrow from the new Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) My hope is to share many of the fabulous projects I see everyday with the vast CG audience. I hope you will not only stop by and subscribe to CG, but will tell your friends about the new category! Hope you see some traffic from it!

Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page. While it's not live yet (scheduled for tomorrow) and can be found directly here

If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!

Allison said...

Fun! I will definitely try this for my upcoming daughter's birthday social. What exactly is a scorer?

texcinlulu said...

Thanks for sharing this. Sometimes I just need things broken down to the basics. I think I can do this.
Found you thru CG.

Cecilia @ So Tei-Tei said...

I use to make this ones for cards or gifts decoration, they are cute!

I´m following you now! I hope you can visit/follow my blog!

Erin @ Where Beauty Meets Function said...

Ok, those are adorable!! And they even look like something I could do! ;)

Mandy's Creative Corner said...

What a brilliant idea! Thanks for the inspiration =)

Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

Cute! Thanks for the tutorial.

Carla Cremonesi said...

Lovely! Thnaks to share.


Jessica Morris said...

Oh I LOVE this!! So very cute! :)

InkStampandScrapMom said...

I love this idea - so fun to add to cards and I never would have thought of the magnet idea!

Katie said...

I saw your link on Tatertots and Jello....just wanted to let you know that I love this idea....your paper flowers are so cute!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

Love it! So cute and fun!

That Crazy Ajumma said...

I've always loved the look of folded paper flowers.
Thanks for the tutorial!

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

SUPER DUPER CUTE! Thanks for the tutorial! I love flower tutorials!

Sassy Sites! said...

cute!! I love the name of your blog too!!

...visiting from Sassy Sites! I'm a new follower! Come by and say HI! I love your blog! It's such a SASSY site! :)

I also do vinyl :)

Unknown said...

wow! very cool :) come on over and link up to MMM!!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute, simple decor. It looks great! Thank you for sharing your cute project. I will be linking to your adorable flowers.

Maggie said...

Those are adorable - Seems like something I could do with my daughter!

Kim -today's creative blog said...

I love those accordian flowers. Great on that package! You may want to switch to my other button that fits in the side bar. My Get Your Craft On one is designed for your post's so big for a side bar. You can find my other one on my side bar.
Thanks for linking up.

Katie Brown said...

Love these! I want to make a bunch and turn them into a front-door wreath! Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, these are so adorable! I love how fresh and clean they look. You could totally do these seasonally to add to Fall, Halloween or Christmas decor - SO fun!!


Amy A @ Child Central Station said...

Very Cool!!! I did the same thing, but I made mine with aluminum cans and put them on bamboo sticks in my garden!

If you use the aluminum cans, you have to bend very carefully or the aluminum will crack. I'm glad to see that they turn out so cute with paper!

LuckyStarErin said...

great tutorial! I love how you've shown how to use them in different ways.

Unknown said...

What a cute bouquet and it would be so easy to change the colors for the different seasons. Thank you for the inspiration!

Audra Marie said...

I feel some paper fun coming up in my near future! Love these, and all the ways you could use them. :)

Holly Lefevre said...

LOVE these little flowers! Great tutorial. I make slightly different ones, but have never done a I knoe where to send people!

Anonymous said...

Ca-ute is right!! I have a little girl (who has also added drama to our lives!) who would love to have a bouquet of these in her room! I'm visiting from NFF at Girl Creative.
Thanks for sharing!

Heather Bredimus said...

Hi Kristin! I found your site off of Today’s Creative Blog! I love your craft! You are so talented! I just signed up to be your 30th follower! Woo hoo! I hope you stop by my new blog. I just started it 2 months ago and would love new friends! Please come see me at

Macey at Olivia Renn said...

I love these, so I featured you on my blog this week.

Lil Mama Stuart said...

you would think it'd be easy to figure out, but I couldn't! and mine look way more ghetto than yours haha
1st Birthday Decorated for $1

Katie said...

Love these flowers! I will definitely be making some of these soon!

Unknown said...

I just wanted to say thanks for doing it step by step. I have been struggling trying to figure out how to make these dang flowers for ages! I made a bunch for some page layouts I did all thanks to you! Cheers!

~Mrs. Hughes said...

LOVE these!! thanks for the DIY! I am going to add them to my Thanksgiving bags! ;)