Friday, March 12, 2010


This is not a picture of me. It is, however, prety much how I feel. I'm pooped. Worn out. My 7 month old, as adorable as she is, does not sleep well. Seriously. She's up every 1-2 hours. All. Night. Long. Like I said, I'm tired (pronounced tarred, like a true southerner!).

Another picture of not me. But definitely how I feel. 24 hours a day is just not enough. Not when there's homeschooling and cooking (from scratch?!) and cleaning (sweeping and dishes and bathrooms, oh my!) and laundry and baby raising and nursing said baby and character training and grocery shopping and homemaking and bill paying and bible study and taking a shower and getting dressed/made up and personal time and taking care of a husband and requesting defensive driving for his traffic ticket (such a pain when the ticket was received in another city) and non-sleeping all night long to do. Whew! Just typing all that I'm supposed to do every day wears me out. Is it possible to get it all done? Cause I'm reading blogs (uh-oh, might be a time waster, there!) and I "see" all these women that seem to be getting it all done. So either they're super women or they're not telling the truth. Hmm.

Alright, I'm off to put my precious, no sleeping babe back to bed. And yes, I'll be taking a nap with her!


Anonymous said...

Just for the record, I feel the same way!! I don't believe those "I get everything done perfectly" homeschooling mothers are for real. They are a figment of someone's imagination, put here to torture us! But seriously, you are doing a great job. Thanks for visiting my blog BTW, here's hoping you win the curriculum giveaway :)

Syndi said...

I'm with you. Some days I feel just like that and I don't have a 7 month old.

Just remember what you see on someone's blog is only a percentage of their "real" life. For example, I can do great science projects but I won't show you my dirty floors or my couch full of laundry, lol!